MEXT Scholars Association Birthday Bash★
MEXT Scholars Association (MSA) turns two this year! Come join us at the birthday bash (cum annual general meeting), and reconnect with a driven and diverse community of alumni and current scholars!
What’s special this year?
• A “From Scholars to Scholars” seminar, at which you get to hear from inspiring alumni at different stages in their life reflecting on giving back to society. We are proud to welcome the following scholarship alumni as panelists:
- Nguyen Khanh Ngoc: An Vietnamese IT professional who graduated from the University of Tokyo in 2006 with a masters degree in computer science. Currently works in Tokyo at FTP Japan, the Japanese subsidiary of a leading Vietnamese corporation with more than 32,000 employees worldwide. While she returned to Vietnam a few years after graduation, she came back to Japan in 2016 with her own family. Outside of her job at FTP, she is also working to improve the accessibility of Japanese language education to immigrants’ families.
- Cesar Antonio Diez Pachas: An Peruvian project manager who graduated from Kobe University in 2012 with a master of engineering in informatics – control system. Currently works in Singapore as a senior project manager of targeted advertisement for Rakuten’s merchants. While in Tokyo, he was also the president of APEJA, the Peruvian Association for Students and Alumni in Japan from 2016 to 2017.
- Jarkko Havas: A Finnish management consultant who graduated from Tokyo University in 2015 with a masters in sustainability science. Currently works in Belgium as an Engagement Manager at McKinsey & Company. He is a core member of the McKinsey Center for Agricultural Transformation, which focuses on reducing poverty, improving climate resilience, improving nutrition, and fostering economic growth through successful agricultural transformations.
• The launch of MSA Junction, a private SNS that will connect you with current recipients as well as scholarship alumni fro all around the world
• A report of MSA’s activities in the previous year, and our plans in the next year
• A birthday party where you will get to reconnect with the MEXT scholar community
Register now! https://goo.gl/forms/5ALQSkrlmfEZhUTt1
Deadline: August 24th, Friday
• “From Scholars to Scholars”
- Nguyen Khanh Ngoc, FTPジャパン (東京大学大学院2006年度修士課程修了、日本在住ベトナム人)
- Cesar Antonio Diez Pachas, 楽天 (神戸大学大学院2012年度修士課程修了、シンガポール在住ペルー人)
- Jarkko Havas, マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニー (東京大学大学院2015年度修士課程修了、ベルギー在住フィンランド人)
• MSA Junctionの発足
MSA JunctionというSNSをご紹介します。MSA Junctionで現役国費留学生の仲間やOB・OGなどと繋がりましょう!
• MSA 活動報告
• 懇親会
※ 8月24日(金)までに参加登録フォームにてお申込みください:https://goo.gl/forms/5ALQSkrlmfEZhUTt1