Part time work as a MEXT scholar
SUMMARY Work permit is needed for most part time jobs However, if you are looking for a long part-time job you need a work permit. You are limited to working…
SUMMARY Work permit is needed for most part time jobs However, if you are looking for a long part-time job you need a work permit. You are limited to working…
SUMMARY Be aware that in Japan, “internship” can mean short work experiences of say a week or less Long-term internships are available if you know where to look Benefits include…
SUMMARY There is usually no need to pay for anything related to studies/ research Most of your scholarship will be used to cover your living expenses (food, rent, transportation, health…
SUMMARY The easiest way to be more involved with the MEXT scholar community? Become a part of MEXT Scholars Association! Consider joining our mailing list and our Facebook group. You…
SUMMARY There are two monthly deadlines for signing each month. Even if you fail the first one, as long as you sign by the second, your allowance will just be…