MEXT Scholars Association

Alumni Voices

Dive into the world of PLASTIC LOVE! the documentary film unwrapping Japan’s toxic affair with plastic

Interview with MEXT Alumni who produced and directed the film covering Japan’s use of plastic, its system and attitude around it. Filmmakers Sybilla Patrizia and Clementine Nuttall met in the…

Scholars Voices

The Man Behind Making Japan Higher Education More Accessible

M Saiham Hossain  MEXT Scholar at Ritsumeikan University Even 5 years ago, when someone said study abroad, people usually thought about the US, UK,  Australia and the other English-speaking countries,…

Scholars Voices

That One Time I Identified with GRIT

Lian Sabella Castillo MEXT Research Student class 2020 This isn’t an excessively inspirational story. In fact, I’d want it to be as close to reality as possible. To put it…


Career Planning 101 – career paths, industries & positions

A career is a 40-year long voyage. Before you set sail, you’ll need a map to choose your destination and route. Royce Lee, a MEXT alumnus & a management consultant,…


How to build an international career from Japan – with Yang Yang from Septeni

Date: March 13th 2021 Time: 10 am – 11 am Japan time The webinar addressed the following concerns and was a must watch for anyone who is interested in: Leveraging…

News Our Activities

Report: MSA Financial Aid (Late 2020)

In the last few months of 2020, MSA executed a financial aid program to support scholars returning from overseas and having to bear extraordinary expenses regarding COVID-19 related measures. We…

Announcements Our Activities


Usually, there will be two MEXT scholar welcome events in a year, where MSA will be doing sempai lectures in order to ensure that incoming scholars are equipped with knowledge…

Past Events

Report: Cross-Border Webinar – How COVID-19 Changed the Business Presence of Japan in the World

On the 31st Oct 2021, MSA held out first Cross-Border Webinar. Around a 100 people across multiple continents in the world joined us in exploring how COVID-19 changed the business…


REPORT – Impact Assessment of COVID-19 on Graduation Plans of MEXT Scholars and Plea for Special Consideration

TOKYO – November 24 2020. Over the period of the COVID emergency declaration and even after, many scholars have faced significant setbacks to their academic pursuits as the global epidemic…


Japan Re-entry Procedures Regarding The New Coronavirus COVID-19

As 2020 comes to end and the world is still in a pandemic, going back to your country may become needed at some point in time. Japan’s government has issued…