Usually, there will be two MEXT scholar welcome events in a year, where MSA will be doing sempai lectures in order to ensure that incoming scholars are equipped with knowledge and skills that will help them in their future pursuits.

Even though these events have been cancelled due to COVID-19, the need to provide information to new scholars still continues. MSA is therefore holding a series of Welcome Webinars in January to ensure this.

All lectures will be held online so MEXT scholars from anywhere are welcome to join! Also, existing MEXT scholars and alumni are also welcome to join though priority will be given to new MEXT scholars.

Registration for EACH of the lectures is NECESSARY to receive the Zoom link. The list of lectures below is final with 8 confirmed lectures.

Follow this webpage, our Facebook Page, or join the MSA Members Area for updates.

9th January (Saturday)

2pm – 3pm: How to prepare yourself for finding job in Japan by Gustavo Dore

A talk by the top speaker at the MSA welcome events, Gustavo Dore. Gustavo will be talking about what you need to find a job in Japan, as well as his own experiences in Japanese large companies and now as an entrepreneur in Japan.

Register here

4pm – 5pm: Developing a Research Network in Japan by Fernando Palacio

You think you know how to make friends and develop your research network? Well… welcome to Japan! The road ahead will be more bumpy and winding than you imagine. Fernando Palacio – lecturer at Kyoto University – shares some “Do’s”, “Dont’s” and “Be prepared” .

Register here

10th January (Sunday)

2pm – 3pm: What NOT to do for your career in Japan by Karthik Rampalli

A humorous but informative lecture from Karthik Rampalli, detailing his ups and downs and near-death experiences in his journey to getting a job in Japan, and from this what you can take note of to avoid common traps.

Register here

4pm – 5pm: How to Find a Job in Academia in Japan by Anirban Chakraborty

An in depth talk about how to find a job in academia – from someone who was successful. Anirban will be talking about his steps to succeeding in securing an academic position from April 2021 – despite Corona and not having fluent Japanese.

Register here

16th January (Saturday)

2pm – 3pm: The Secret Recipe of Research by Tazbir Ahmed

A lecture from Tazbir about resources and ways to make your research life much smoother in Japan – including content about funding, interpersonal relations in your lab and other essential tips.

Register here

4pm – 5pm: Preparing for Your Career Early by Austin Zeng

This lecture goes through how the differences in careers and hiring in Japan and how prepare for them early so as to not be rudely surprised. Be aware and be prepared – Austin, who already lectures on career topics for foreign students in Japan – will tell you how.

Register here

17th January (Sunday)

2pm – 3pm: The innovation landscape of Japan and the opportunities in it for you by Harry Krekoukiotis

Accelerating innovation brings multidisciplinary work environments and new job titles. In this talk, Harry – from the frontlines of Keio Media Design and using his own research collaboration with a big Japanese tech company – explains how academic research is connected to the corporate sector in Japan, the startup ecosystems and communities. He will then talk about the convergence of design, art and science and how you can make future-proof career choices in this ever-changing landscape.

Register here

4pm – 5pm: Explaining Job Hunting in Japan by Oula Aabkhari

A lecture by Oula where she explains the detailed steps of job hunting in Japan from internships to interviews, ending with her own working experience at a construction consulting company

Register here

— 日本語 —







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14時 – 15時: 日本で就職をするための準備方法(英語開催)。講師:Gustavo Dore



16時 – 17時: リサーチネットワークを構築する方法(英語開催)。講師:Fernando Palacio

あなたの研究のためのネットワーキング方法はすでにわかっていますか?日本でのネットワーキング方法は他国とは異なりますので、油断は許されません。今、京都大学で教員をされているFernando Palacio氏に、日本でのネットワーク構築にあたって、やるべきこと、やるべきではないことおよび必要な準備を丁寧に解説します。



14時 – 15時: 日本でキャリアを構築するときにやっちゃいけないこと(英語開催)。講師:Karthik Rampalli



16時 – 17時: 日本の大学での教職員になるコツ(英語開催)。講師:Anirban Chakraborty




14時 – 15時: 研究を順調に行うための秘訣(英語開催)。講師:Tazbir Ahmed



16時 – 17時: 留学生として、キャリアにおいて早めに準備できること(英語開催)。講師:Austin Zeng




14時 – 15時: 日本におけるSTEM教育からSTEAM教育への以降およびあなたのキャリアに対する影響(英語開催)。講師:Harry Krekoukiotis



16時 – 17時: 日本での就職活動の徹底説明(英語開催)。講師:Oula Aabkari



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